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RCAP Analyzes Webtools for Building Equitable Climate Resiliency

January 19, 2024 By RCAP

As climate-related disasters continue to increase each year, communities must look for ways to increase their resiliency in the face of such challenges. As part of an ongoing collaboration researching the intersection of water, climate, and equity in rural, frontline communities with the Pacific Institute and LiKEN Knowledge, the Rural Community Assistance Partnership Incorporated (RCAP) developed a new resource explaining several free web-based tools that can provide detailed risk and resiliency data for communities across the nation. The varied and detailed tools profiled on this website offer technical assistance providers and communities easy access to information and research that can help them understand their risk to climate change and natural disasters, increase resilience, support grant applications, and inform decisions 

Climate resiliency tools include a toolkit consolidating data from across the federal government to aid communities and businesses in crafting their own resilience framework, as well as a portal combining o federal, state, and local mapping data, and an EPA-created tool for building equitable resilience to ensure an inclusive approach in responding to climate risks. 

As greater attention is paid to environmental justice issues as it relates to climate change, resources such as the Climate and Economic Justice Screening Tool (CEJST) can help identify communities at risk and that can benefit from programs included in the Justice 40 Initiative, which seeks to allocate 40% of climate and clean energy investments in disadvantaged communities. 

Tools for water utilities are also profiled, including resources from EPA aiding utilities in assessing the risk to their assets, and projection maps showing possible outcomes for various greenhouse gas scenarios. 

Access this new website and learn which tools and data are most relevant to making your community or project more resilient in the face of climate change and natural disasters. Also, follow RCAP’s social media over the next week to learn more about the various tools showcased in the report.