RCAP invites qualified vendors, contractors, or service providers to submit sealed bids for curriculum development. The purpose of this RFB is to obtain competitive bids for costs associated with curriculum development, study guides, question bank development, pilot test curriculum, and staff training for a leadership development program to train and provide credentials to drinking water and wastewater administrative professionals.
Bid Details
Project Name: Workforce Curriculum Development
Submission Deadline: January 27, 2025
Submission Address: [email protected]
Contact for Questions: Lisa Fought, at [email protected]
Scope of Work:
Provide a detailed description of the work to be performed, including:
- Develop curriculum to support a national certificate program for drinking water/wastewater administrative professionals. The curriculum is expected to encompass 24-32 hours of training content equating to 3-4 days in-person or an equivalent amount of classroom time spread over eight weeks online. Curriculum content will cover the following areas:
- Managing water/wastewater finances; and
- Managing water/wastewater service functions; and
- Complying with regulatory agencies and requirements;
- Supporting and educating governing body members; and
- Communicating with stakeholders and facilitating capital improvement projects
Curriculum should be developed to utilize proven participatory adult-education techniques and incorporate interactive strategies that will increase knowledge retention, including networking between participants and engagement with the content, and opportunities for follow-up technical assistance.
- The material developed should also include:
- A slide deck with speaker notes
- Interactive exercises should be built into curriculum
- A complementary facilitators guide should accompany the curriculum
- Development of study guide to complement the curriculum
- Assistance with the development of the question test bank
- Deliver pilot test curriculum. Present curriculum along with RCAP national staff to an audience of utility administrative professionals. Adjust curriculum based on experience of presenting materials and feedback from participants
- Deliver final train-the-trainer educational program with RCAP national and regional staff providing them with the knowledge to train existing and prospective utility clerks and drinking water/wastewater administrative professionals, with an opportunity to expand their professional development and to sit for the certificate exam.
- Be available for questions from regional and national staff as the train the trainers are held, curriculum implemented, and examination preparation occurs.
- Work with other external partners on question bank, curriculum peer review and study guide.
- Assist with webinars on project progress targeting state primacy agencies, funders and federal partners.
- Draft articles and blog posts capturing the project and its significance to administrative professions.
- Co-present on the project at any appropriate national conferences as applicable.
- Willingness to work with other partners to ensure quality certificate curriculum is built.
- The proposal should cover any expected travel expenses to national conferences. All travel must fall within federal per diem rates.
- Experience working with administrative professionals in small, rural and Tribal communities
- Curriculum and study guides should be developed before August 31, 2025.
- Training pilots should be completed before August 31, 2027.
Quote Single Price for Deliverables: Provide a single price for completing the deliverables that includes a breakout subtotal for any distinct deliverables.
Bid Submission Requirements
Bidders must include the following in their submission:
- Cover Letter: A brief introduction of the bidder, including name, address, and contact details, years of experience and
- Bid Proposal: Detailed pricing and a breakdown of costs.
- Qualifications and Experience: Relevant experience and qualifications related to the project.
- References: Contact information for at least three previous client.
- Timeline: A proposed project timeline, including start and completion dates.
Selection Criteria
Bids will be evaluated based on the following criteria:
- Cost: Competitive pricing will be a key consideration.
- Experience and Qualifications: Demonstrated ability to complete similar projects.
- Compliance with Specifications: Alignment with the project’s technical and quality requirements.
- Timeline: Ability to meet the project schedule.
- References: Positive feedback from previous clients.
Terms and Conditions
- RCAP reserves the right to accept or reject any or all bids.
- Late submissions will not be considered.
- All costs incurred in the preparation of the bid are the responsibility of the bidder.
- Contract terms and conditions will be negotiated upon selection of the winning bid.
- RFB Release Date: January 7, 2025
- Deadline for Questions: January 13, 2025
- Submission Deadline: January 27, 2025
- Evaluation Period: January 28 -31, 2025
Contract Award Date: February 3, 2025